Vision Statement

Yeshua Living Water Ministries (YLWM) has embarked in a journey with a vision to worship the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords together as One body in Christ. We believe that every-time we come together, we can expect a powerful visitation from the Lord and experience a mighty revival in our midst. God says, that during the last days HE will pour out HIS Spirit on all people and they shall prophesy, see Dreams and Visions (Acts 2:17).   We indeed believe that we are in the last days awaiting for the Glorious return of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
As we see in John 7:37-38, Jesus said anyone who is thirsty, let him come and drink from HIM (Jesus) and then rivers of living water will flow from within them. O taste and see that the Lord is Good! (Psalms 34:8). Our desire is to pray and be a part of the Greatest Revival that this generation will be a part off.

The Vision that God had given for YLWM is that –

  • As commanded by Jesus Christ in Matthew 28: 19-20, YLWM has begun a journey to take the Good news of the Gospel to the nations and to provide a message of Hope, Healing and Deliverance.
  • Training and equipping Pastors/leaders to carry out the Great Commission that Jesus has called us to do.
  • Music ministry through God given revelation to write and publish songs.
  • YLWM is based on the kingdom principles and carries a burden to reach the un reached through God’s Love imparted within us and to care for Children, Widows, underprivileged people who are in need of support to have meaningful life and give them a much needed Hope in their life journey.
  • Provide free Tuition centers for the Poor and underprivileged